July 7, 2023 2min Read

This is a title of a blog article 2

In line with our objective of achieving a more sustainable environment, this document helps provide insight into how to achieve this by using different types of bioplastics.

By way of introduction, it is important to make a clear distinction between bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics, recognising that some bio-based plastics are not compostable, and some compostable plastics are not bio-based.

Bio-based plastics also called Bio-sourced plastics are plastics made (partially) from organic materials: some are identical to fossil-based plastics, such as bio polyethylene (PE) or bio polypropylene (PP), while some are polymers intended to be compostable.Biodegradable plastics is not a regulated term so it’s not unambiguous. This term refers to plastics that are degradable through the action of naturally occurring microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae.

  • Waste management companies
  • Waste management companies
  • Waste management companies
  • Waste management companies
  • Waste management companies

It gives the wrong idea that such material is harmless if littered. As long as the degradation is not complete, the polymer remains harmful for the environment. The kinetic of degradation depends on the environment (humidity, light, salinity, temperature, …). They can be also of petrochemical origin, such as polycaprolactone (PCL).

In line with our objective of achieving a more sustainable environment, this document helps provide insight into how to achieve this by using different types of bioplastics

This is gonna be a h3 title

By way of introduction, it is important to make a clear distinction between bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics, recognising that some bio-based plastics are not compostable, and some compostable plastics are not bio-based

In line with our objective of achieving a more sustainable environment, this document helps provide insight into how to achieve this by using different types of bioplastics

“ By way of introduction, it is important to make a clear distinction between bio-based, biodegradable and compostable plastics, recognising that some bio-based plastics are not compostable, and some compostable plastics are not bio-based ,,

Bio-based plastics also called Bio-sourced plastics are plastics made (partially) from organic materials: some are identical to fossil-based plastics, such as bio polyethylene (PE) or bio polypropylene (PP), while some are polymers intended to be compostable.Biodegradable plastics is not a regulated term so it’s not unambiguous. This term refers to plastics that are degradable through the action of naturally occurring microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae.