ADR – Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road

Informal Working Group on the Transport of Hazardous Waste

FEAD has been appointed since 2005 as recognized stakeholder by the RID/ADR/ADN Joint Meeting. From that date, the association has actively participated in the development of specific “waste rules” in the ADR.

On its autumn 2018 session, the RID Committee of Experts and the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods approved the establishment of an Informal Working Group on the Transport of Hazardous Waste led by FEAD (ECE/TRANS/WP.15/AC.1/152).

In order to prepare the Informal Working Group, FEAD prepared and circulated a list of issues regarding the transport of hazardous waste. The list was accompanied by a working document including a summary of waste provisions of the ADR, a list of multilateral agreements and national derogations concerning the transport of hazardous waste.

Until now, 13 countries (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Finland, France, Ireland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, United Kingdom) have joined the working group. FEAD takes initiatives and leads the working group. Internally, FEAD carries out its work within the “Subcommittee ADR”. The Informal Working Group with the Member States has already met four times:

The first Informal Working Group meeting (02-03 April 2019, Brussels) proposed the list of issues to consider. The list was approved by the Joint Meeting in its autumn session (Geneva, 17-26 September 2019), with the request to add the carriage of used pressure receptacles such as aerosols and gas cartridges in bulk.

The second Informal Working Group meeting (03-04 March 2020, Utrecht) dealt with the first 10 issues from the selected list. This resulted in the submission of 5 working documents, in view of amending the ADR in the autumn session of the Joint Meeting (14-18 September 2020).

Purpose of the third Informal Working Group meeting (07 October 2020, Online) was mainly the fine-tuning of the documents discussed and supported during the Joint Meeting in September (Geneva & online, 14-18 September 2020).

At the fourth Informal Working Group meeting (19 November 2020, Online), principally two new issues (Issue 2.2: “transport of packaged waste – inner packagings packed together” and Issue 2.5: “chemical compatibility”) were addressed.

The fifth Informal Working Group meeting (15 and 16 June 2022, The Hague & online) agreed on the approach taken by FEAD on issues 2.2 (combined packaging) and 2.5 (chemical compatibility for single plastic packaging), according to which FEAD will submit a proposal to the JM, first in form of an INF document. Progress was also made on issue 5.2 and on the transport of asbestos in bulk, the latter of which will be further discussed in a dedicated meeting in November 2022.

The sixth Informal Working Group meeting (16 November 2022, Brussels & online) was dedicated to the carriage of asbestos waste in bulk. The IWG is working on a common solution in the ADR in view of the different national interpretations of the existing Special Provision 168.

All relevant documents used during the informal working group meetings and generated during/after these meetings can be accessed below.



Fourth Informal Working Group (Virtual)

Past event
Online (Microsoft Teams), November 19 2020

The Fourth Informal Working Group on ADR and waste took place online on 19 November 2020, 9h00-13h00.

Third Informal Working Group (Virtual)

Past event
Online, October 7 2020

The Virtual Informal Working Group on ADR and waste took place online on the 7th of October 2020.

Second Working Group meeting

Past event
Utrecht, March 3 2020

The second meeting of the Informal Working Group dedicated to the Transport of (Hazardous) Waste took place in Utrecht at the Human Environment and Transport Inspectorate – Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management – Graadt van Roggenweg 500, 3531 AH, Utrecht.

First Working Group meeting

Past event
Brussels, April 2 2019

On the 2nd and 3rd of April the first meeting of the Informal Working Group dedicated to the Transport of (Hazardous) Waste took place at the Buro & Design Center, Esplanade 1b.87, Office of go4circle on the 5th floor, 1020 BRUSSELS